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Clinical practicum hours are the required clinical education component of Rockhurst University’s online nursing programs. Our clinical placement team works closely with you to provide a seamless placement experience, making sure your clinical rotations meet University and national guidelines. These frequently asked questions will help you better understand the clinical placement services we provide.

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Hands-on patient care in clinical settings is a requisite component of any nursing degree. During your clinical rotations, under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse practitioner (preceptor), you’ll practice what you learned in the online classroom on real patients. (Registered nurses are preceptors for our ABSN students.)

Clinicals are very similar to an internship or being an apprentice; you provide care for real patients while benefiting from the supervision and guidance of your preceptor and indirect supervision and support from the Rockhurst University faculty.

You’ll work with a dedicated Rockhurst placement coordinator who will walk you through the process and be your primary point of contact. Based on your goals and where you live, your placement coordinator will identify an appropriate site and preceptor for you within a reasonable driving distance.

You will receive a notification from your placement coordinator prior to each clinical start date. Once the placement has been confirmed and communicated, you are encouraged to begin working directly with your preceptor to establish a schedule.

All clinical nursing experiences are slightly different because student nurses work in a variety of health care facility environments. You will begin your clinical rotations after the required background checks and physical examinations have been successfully completed. During your clinical rotation, you will be under the close supervision of your preceptor and the indirect supervision of a Rockhurst clinical faculty supervisor. You will be given specific instructions to follow while keeping clinical practice guidelines in mind. Learn more about what to expect in nursing clinicals.

You will be in close communication with your placement coordinator all the way through to graduation. He or she will ensure you complete all requirements and meet deadlines, will answer your questions, verify your clearance requirements, and walk you through the nursing clinicals checklist. The checklist details the dress code, clinical tools, and professional expectations to ensure your success in each rotation.

Your responsibilities will include the following: 

  • Reviewing objectives to fulfill clinical requirements. 
  • Providing your preceptor with daily written objectives and evaluation forms. 
  • Reviewing existing clinical protocols and Rockhurst University’s protocols with your preceptor.
  • Documenting all clinical encounters using a subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) format. 
  • Ensuring you are always under the supervision of your preceptor.

Your preceptor is your on-site role model and will help you develop as a nurse or nurse practitioner during your clinical rotation. He or she will: 

  • Bridge the gap between theory and actual practice. 
  • Orient you to the practice setting (key personnel, organization, and institutional policies).
  • Help you to plan clinical assignments. 
  • Provide one-on-one supervision and daily feedback. 
  • Review and co-sign all documentation in the clinical records. 


ABSN Program Campus Residency

During the first semester, ABSN students will attend Rockhurst’s campus in Kansas City, Missouri for 10 days of clinical instruction in our new, state-of-the-art simulation lab and direct patient care in our renovated nursing facilities. In this immersive clinical experience, students will:

  • Receive hands-on instruction from the Rockhurst faculty.
  • Practice their skills.
  • Complete high- and low-fidelity simulation.
  • Demonstrate competencies in various critical elements.

Students will have direct patient care experience through clinical rotations which are conducted in small groups under the direct supervision of University faculty. These clinical experiences will expose students to the spheres of care in which professional nurses require expertise, such as skilled nursing, hospice, and long-term, acute care settings.

Following the campus residency, students will return home for the remainder of the program where they will continue their online coursework. Additionally, they will complete the rest of their clinical hours at a predetermined site under the direct supervision of a licensed RN preceptor and the indirect supervision of a Rockhurst clinical faculty supervisor.

MSN-FNP Program and FNP Post-Master's Certificate Program Campus Immersions

Online FNP students will attend one clinical immersion on the Rockhurst campus in Kansas City, Missouri for two days of clinical instruction in the new, state-of-the-art simulation lab and renovated nursing facilities. They will also engage in one virtual immersion to further hone their skills. During these immersive clinical experiences, students will receive hands-on skills training, complete high- and low-fidelity simulations, and demonstrate competencies through an objective, structured, clinical examination (OSCE).

Following the campus immersion, students will return home and continue their online coursework. Additionally, they will complete the rest of their clinical hours at a predetermined site under the direct supervision of a licensed preceptor and the indirect supervision of a Rockhurst clinical faculty supervisor.

MSN-AGACNP Program and AGACNP Post-Master’s Certificate

Online AGACNP students will attend one clinical immersion on the Rockhurst campus in Kansas City, Missouri for three days of clinical instruction in the new, state-of-the-art simulation lab and renovated nursing facilities. They will also engage in one virtual immersion to further hone their skills. In these immersive clinical experiences, students will receive hands-on skills training, complete high- and low-fidelity simulation, and demonstrate competencies through objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).

Following the campus immersion, students will return home and continue their online coursework. Additionally, they will complete the rest of their clinical hours at a predetermined site under the direct supervision of a licensed preceptor and the indirect supervision of a Rockhurst clinical faculty supervisor.

MSN-PMHNP and PMHNP Post-Master's Certificate Program Campus Immersions

Online PMHNP students will attend one clinical immersion on the Rockhurst campus in Kansas City, Missouri, for three days of clinical instruction in the new, state-of-the-art simulation lab and renovated nursing facilities. They will also engage in one virtual immersion to further hone their skills. During these immersive clinical experiences, students will receive hands-on skills training, complete high- and low-fidelity simulations, and demonstrate competencies through an objective, structured, clinical examination (OSCE).

Following the campus immersion, students will return home and continue their online coursework. Additionally, they will complete the rest of their clinical hours at a predetermined site under the direct supervision of a licensed preceptor and the indirect supervision of a Rockhurst clinical faculty supervisor.

MSN Dual Track Campus Immersions (MSN FNP-AGACNP and MSN FNP-PMHNP)

Online MSN FNP-AGACNP and Online MSN-PMHNP dual certification students will attend one clinical immersion on the Rockhurst campus in Kansas City, Missouri for three days of clinical instruction in the new, state-of-the-art simulation lab and renovated nursing facilities. MSN Dual FNP-AGACNP will have one virtual immersion for 3 days. MSN Dual FNP-PMHNP will have two virtual immersions, a two-day FNP immersion and a separate two-day PMHNP immersion. In these immersive clinical experiences, students will receive hands-on skills training, complete high- and low-fidelity simulation, and demonstrate competencies through objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).

Following the campus immersion, students will return home and continue their online coursework. Additionally, they will complete the rest of their clinical hours at a predetermined site under the direct supervision of a licensed preceptor and the indirect supervision of a Rockhurst clinical faculty supervisor.

Student Support

A dedicated enrollment adviser can answer your questions and guide you through the application process. Begin by filling out a form and starting the conversation.

Your adviser can help with:

  • Admission Requirements
  • Curriculum Details
  • Clinical Placement Support
  • Enrollment Support
  • Financial Aid
  • Tuition Cost
Andy Mangiaguerra
Georgia Mourtokokis
Kerry Fleeger
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